Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man;
and his number is Six hundred three-score and six.
Book of Revelation 13: 18
Bambi. Mickey Mouse. Donald Duck. Representatives of subversive evil? Let’s get a grip here. Look closer. Goofy certainly has a bit of an odd look about him. Then, of course, there’s the 7 Dwarfs. Who were they? Why did they live in a dark forest and work underground, and what kind of sleazy deal did they have with Snow White – sharing that secluded cottage….. heigh ho, heigh ho…. off to bed we go?
And what about the Orwellian Disneyland, where, amongst other regulations, the unctuously ‘nice’ and always ‘correct’ staff are not even allowed to grow facial hair?
And as for Fantasia, with its sorcerer’s apprentice and dancing broomsticks; maybe, according to the Witchfinders, old Uncle Walt Disney was a bit more sinister than we like to think.
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Doc (just in case) Dopey (not quite) Happy (You bet he is) Grumpy (waiting his turn) Bashful (too late for that) Sleepy (not for long) Sneezy (in charge of the Kleenex) |
At least, that has been the bee in the bonnet of some of America’s new wave of born-again Bible students in recent years. We should forget the stereotypical redneck Jesus fanatic; despite some often startling claims and bizarre views many recent recruits are at least capable of making their case without spelling mistakes.
Way down in Austin, Texas there’s an ex-military man called Texe Marrs who runs his own Internet Newsletter Power of Prophesy. This self-proclaimed ‘Ministry of Truth’ is slightly more articulate than most of its ilk, and avoids that barking-mad fringe temptation TO GO INTO CAPITALS TO MAKE A POINT. Although not exactly an out-and-out hate merchant, Texe does seem to have it in for just about everyone – from lacklustre Christians to Zionist Jews and the Pentagon, we’re all going to Hell in a handcart unless we recognise the abundant signs of the approaching New World Order. Sadly, though, as ever, it’s ‘the Jews wot done it’ which is a peculiar prejudice for Christians - wasn’t Jesus a Jew, after all? Texe, whose nearest comparison in the UK could be David Icke, is a prolific author with a dozen books under his belt with titles like The Blind and The Dead and Leviathan In Space. One Marrs presentation was called Project L.U.C.I.D. which, among other high-tech terrors, informed us of the secret designs behind the one-time rush to get us all carrying computerised I.D. cards[1]. Said, Texe:
‘The computerised I.D. card – to be followed eventually by an implanted chip – is an electronic straitjacket that allows the New World Order’s Gestapo to track and link every man, woman and child on planet Earth. Our activities are going to be monitored 24 hours per day, seven days per week, by Gestapo agencies……Who among us can possibly escape from the electronic cages now being prepared for all mankind?’
Thankfully, in the UK we dodged the New Labour government’s lust for ID cards.
However, among the many fascinating revelations on Texe Marrs’ site, his section on something he calls ‘Devil logos’ provides an inviting threshold to the study of the iconography of the corporate globe, which leads inevitably to the often bizarre symbolism of world currency.
So, back to Walt Disney. Check out the great Cryogenist’s famous trademark signature. Can you spot the Mark of The Beast? Oh, yes – there’s three cleverly disguised 6’s in there – pay attention. The gripe against Uncle Walt’s tinsel town successors is that they have a ‘hostility to traditional Christian values’. What form this hostility takes is anyone’s guess – but perhaps the Devil might be pleased with some of the studio’s recent sacrificial turkeys.
But that’s all kid’s stuff. Reebok gave the name Incubus to a woman’s running shoe. Of course, all good students of the occult know that an Incubus is a demon who makes love to women whilst they’re asleep.[2]What were those Reebok people up to? A spokesman for the company claimed to have been ‘surprised’ when the demonic name was explained to him[3]. Then again, there’s been a few gaffes by running shoe companies. Umbro called one of its designs Zyklon - all you needed was to add the separate letter ‘B’ and you had the gas used by the Nazis. Nike stumbled with a shoe called Black and Tan, which didn’t go down too well with the Irish. Then there was a bit of Japanese outrage over Air Jordan’s Rising Sun shoe, but Nike got into potential Fatwa territory with their Air Bakin shoe, because the chosen ‘Air’ logo design was claimed to spell ‘Allah’ in Arabic. Dangerous footwear, trainers.
Online Witchfinder Generals who keep up a constant Satan watch never have to look far. AT & T’s Bell Laboratories became known as Lucent Technologies. Their logo was a fiery red circle. But the Ministry of Truth were onto this one – especially after they were horrified to discover that one of Lucent’s software products was being marketed under the name Inferno. Even the word Lucent has been figured out to be a truncated version of ‘Lucifer’s Enterprises’. A Ministry member from Columbus, Ohio, made this deduction from Lucent’s fiery red logo; ‘Lucent Technologies is the most blatantly evil company in the world…’ Of course the form and purpose of the ‘evil’ behind all this Satanic graphic art remains vague (or should that be ‘secret’?) and is rarely expanded upon. For instance, what happens if you or a relative has 666 in their phone number? (As did my late daughter…) Do we get the black candles out, strip off, dance around the kitchen and microwave the cat? Whilst the sceptics among us can have a good old chuckle over all these visualisations of the New World Order, one of the plus points to the concentration on symbols is that at last the virulent, hoary old anti-Semitic fakery of The Protocols of The Elders of Zion is taking a back seat on the global conspiracy bandwagon. It seems to be the technical, silicone valley outfits (known to the new Witchfinder Generals as ‘Big Brother’ technologies) who come in for a righteous bashing these days. Apple Computers’ logo – the apple with the ‘byte’ taken out, obviously represents the tasting of the Forbidden Fruit by Adam in the Garden of Eden. Honeywell Inc. have had dealings with their provocatively-named European subsidiary, Lucifer Industries, and they have been known to co-operate with a software corporation known as Oracle. Halloween must have been a fun night in the Honeywell boardroom. And let us not forget the Lucifer Lighting Company of San Antonio – even the Devil needs to see what the Hell he’s doing.
But if the Satanic robes hanging in the world’s corporate executive locker rooms need a good wash, then there would be only one detergent company to choose.
The whole Devil’s Logo furore goes back to Procter & Gamble’s old logo, the ‘Man in the Moon with 13 stars’. For a company which exists to keep half the world clean, they’ve had an often uphill struggle to get some of the devil-worship muck off their own shirts over the past two decades. Imaginative believers in P & G’s evil connections cite the following aspects of the logo;
In the curlicues of the old man’s beard can be found an array of triple 6’s. Some can see two ‘horns’ growing out of the old man’s head. Others believe that by connecting the dots (the 13 stars) then three 6’s can be made to appear. Procter & Gamble’s response to all this was a straightforward explanation. The logo was first used in 1851. At that time in some of the more frontier areas of the USA far fewer people could read so that highly pictorial trademarks were easy to spot on packaging. The thirteen stars were nothing more than a homage to the original 13 American colonies, and one of the most popular mid-19thcentury images was the Man in The Moon, which P & G adopted. Witchfinders do not, however, deal in logic. At some time during the 1990s the following media myth broke through which has dogged Procter & Gamble ever since. It states that at one time, one of P & G’s top executives appeared on a prime-time U.S. TV chat show. In the legend the show varies – some say Phil Donohue, others claim Sally Jesse Raphael or Jenny Jones. The un-named executive is supposed to have admitted to being a worshipper of Satan. He claimed that some of P & G’s profits were channelled into Satanism; he further boasted that “there aren’t enough Christians in America to stop me”, and that the old man in the company logo is a ‘wizard’.
Of course, this is absolute tripe probably concocted by a competitor to bolster up the devil logo mythology. Even the devotees of The Good Book have to admit that no such TV appearance took place. Apart from Procter & Gamble suing over this rumour – and winning – several times, even Christian notables such as Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson issued statements in support of P & G[4]. However, for devil-hunters, there’s always an extra dimension of evil behind what the rest of us accept as the truth.
Way down in Texas Texe Marrs informed us:
“I have no evidence whatsoever that Procter & Gamble is linked with Satanism”. He then goes on to say “but rumours and questions still remain…in at least one of the lawsuits, the company raised eyebrows when the news came out that Procter & Gamble was seeking exactly $66,600 in damages!”[5]
If that’s the case, then someone at P&G had a wry sense of humour. Yet it seems like when the devil’s around, the truth goes into hiding.
Other corporate ‘devil’ logos which come in for a Bible-bashing are AOL (America On Line) with their pyramid, CBS-TV’s ‘eye of Horus’, Intel (Pentium) whose logo is claimed to represent the mythical serpent Ouroboros, biting his own tail. Nabisco’s logo, an oval or egg shape sprouting a multi-bar cross, is suspected of being a phallic Masonic fertility symbol. Saturn Automobiles’ logo looks simple enough, but the Witchfinders suggest that the crossed lines on the red background are crossed devil’s horns. When we get to petroleum, we shift up a couple of gears.
Shell (and let’s face it, this would have been the most obvious logo for the company to choose) are suspected of displaying the golden shell of Aphrodite (see Revelation 13:1 then count the red gaps in the logo). Texaco, with it’s Tau cross on a Satanic pentagram background? Maybe the fact that it is also a letter ‘T’, with the company being called ‘Texaco’ – and the star a popular Texan emblem, has been conveniently overlooked. Chrysler motors get a special mention because their ‘wingspan’ logo looks suspiciously like an ancient Egyptian and Masonic wingspan which protects the sun.
As the capitalist centre of the modern world, America is naturally the nation in charge of the New World Order. The Witchfinders have been onto this for some time. It’s the Masons who planned it all, and if you need any proof, check out the street plan of Washington, D. C., which was laid out in 1791 by a French Freemason, Pierre Charles L’Enfant. Masonic researcher Manly P. Hall warns us that
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Washington's Street plan - the Devil's in the detail. |
“When a Mason learns the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application to the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and therefore he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy”.[6]
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But what about Sandusky, Ohio? Is this the town Lucifer forgot? |
You don’t have to surf very far on the internet[7] to discover that the wily L’Enfant planned the streets of Washington so that they included a massive inverted pentagram with it’s bottom tip in the White House. There’s a goat’s head in the design, and a nice bit of civic planning for the kiddies with a Satanic bunny rabbit coming into view if you’re clever enough with your pencil and ruler.
In the end, the New World Order, whose symbols and logos are all around us, will apparently be overseen by the Illuminati and the Freemasons ( and let us not forget that, according to the new religious watchdogs, both George Bush senior and junior, as well as Tony Blair, are 33° Freemasons). This is going to cost lots of money, and when we come to the green stuff, in particular the U.S. dollar, then roll up your trouser leg and bare a nipple, because the symbolism begins to run riot.
American Masons began meeting in Boston’s Green Dragon Tavern as early as 1720. Over the decades, as plans were laid down for the eventual overthrow of British rule, Freemasonry was to play a big part. Revolutionary heroes such as John Hancock, Paul Revere and Peter Faneuil were all Masons, as were a great number of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence. A U.S. State Department publication[8]informs us that ‘It seems likely the designers of the Great Seal and the Masons took their symbols from parallel sources’. It has also been strongly argued that the symbols on the American dollar bill are Masonic just by coincidence. But make up your own mind. Bank notes are odd things, yet one wonders - how many have been designed by a secret society?
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One of the Dollar's many mysteries ,,, Eye-eye! Here's lookin' at you, kid! |
The Secretary of the Congress, Charles Thomson, was involved in the design of the Great Seal, which can be regarded as the USA’s coat of arms. It was adopted by the Congress on June 20th 1792. The central feature of the Seal is a bald eagle, a native of North America. His wings are outstretched in a pose of soaring freedom. That seems fair enough. But more excitable researchers note that there are 32 feathers in one wing and 33 feathers in the other. 32 and 33, if a Mason passes through the Scottish rites, are the highest degrees of Masonry. Another rite, the York, has nine ranks – the number of feathers in the eagle’s tail. In one talon the eagle carries an olive branch, denoting
peace. It has 13 leaves. In the other talon, however, he’s carrying 13 arrows, signifying that America is equally capable of war. The figure 13 denotes the power of the original 13 colonies. Above the eagle is a field of 13 stars – join them up and you have a Star of David. Some far-out conspiracy types like to turn the Great Seal upside down and claim that the 7 white stripes in the shield represent a 7-candle Jewish temple menorah[9], (as opposed to the 9-candle Channukah menorah). It’s the Jews at it again! The central ‘candle’ emanates nine rays of light, which are actually the eagle’s tail feathers.
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The Great Seal |
But so much for the greenback’s backside. All this overcooked gumbo is already splattered across the internet, but in case you missed it, here it is again. It’s on the front of the Mighty Dollar where the fun starts.
Some argue that the symbolism on the front of the dollar represents the Roman war against the Jews and the battle of Masada, but this seems far-fetched.
What is spooky is the pyramid and the Latin inscriptions.
The pyramid is said to represent strength and solidity. It has 13 courses of 72 stones symbolising human attributes and divinity. Hovering above is a triangle, sometimes called the keystone, containing the Eye of Providence. Or is that the Eye of Horus, the Egyptian falcon God of Justice who has power over the sun and sky? Another view is that this is the all-seeing eye of the ‘Grand Architect’, a Masonic term for God. To Masons the pyramid signifies the release from bondage of the Israelites in Egypt. Could this be a comparison with the release of the new Americans from their own bondage with Britain? Those who see the New World Order still in the assembly stage claim that the fact that the eye in the triangle is detached from the pyramid means that human society is not yet complete and will be ‘imperfect’ until the New Order gets under way. Who knows – maybe then we’ll get a new dollar with the keystone in place.
The Roman numerals on the pyramid stand for 1776, the USA’s birth date. Then comes ‘Annuit Coeptis’, which can be translated as something lifted from Virgil’s epic poem, the Aeneid – ‘He (God) has approved our undertakings’, or, alternatively, ‘a bold beginning’. If we consider 21stcentury America as the new Roman Empire, then Virgil’s lines on the task of the Romans appears apt;
‘Roman, remember that you shall rule the nations by your authority, for this is to be your skill, to make peace the custom, to spare the conquered, and to wage war until the haughty are brought low’.[10] Doubtless this did not go down too well in Iraq, but what the dollar says, the G.I. has to do.
Finally, we come to the chilly bit below the pyramid – ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’ –
‘A new order of the ages’. This is another steal from Virgil’s Ecloges, and is claimed to represent the separation of the state from the church, but as every conspiracy theorist will tell you, it’s those Illuminati and Mason people’s promise that the dollar is a constant reminder that the New Order is well under way.
The reason so many of us never have time to consider the symbols on our money is that we can never hold onto it long enough to make a detailed study. Many of the world’s bank notes have inexplicable oddities. Witchfinders find the mark of The Beast here and there if they’re imaginative enough, and making the right folds will always turn up odd images. The old Finnish Marks of the 1960s, if you folded the president’s face carefully, produced a neat picture of a scurrying rat. There has been a complaint that the simplified graphics on the 2-Euro coins makes the contours of Sweden look like a limp penis, which is probably why sexy Sweden opted out of the new currency.
In his book Magic Symbols[11]Frederick Goodman writes a definition of an occult symbol as “an image which hides an inner meaning. This meaning is usually hidden behind a form”.
In a world where the name of God can appear in a sliced aubergine, the New Witchfinders could find Satan on a bus ticket. However, the next time you’re queuing up for a Ben & Gerry’s in Orlando, Florida, just take a long look at those crisp dollars in your sweaty hand. Along with our frozen uncle, Walt Disney, they may be telling us something we all ought to know – and let’s face it – Britain now stands a snowball’s chance in Hell of adopting the Euro. As the Reverend T. Blair pushed Britain closer and closer to the U.S.A., and if the sinister, secretive TTIP (the Transatlantic Trade and Industry Partnership between Europe and the USA) becomes law, my bet is on the dollar as a future U.K. currency. Think about it the next time you pull on your baseball cap on your way for a Big Mac via Pizza Hut and KFC. We’ll have plenty of time to read our currency then, but sadly, it’ll all be too late.
Notes / Sources
[2]Gettings, Fred: Visions of The Occult Guild Publishing, London 1987. The female version of the Incubus (which has it’s way with sleeping men) is known as the Succubus.
[3]US News & World Report March 3rd1997. 53,000 pairs of Incubus shoes had been sold before anyone pointed out the definition of the name.
[6] Hall, Manly P. The Lost Keys To Freemasonry Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply Company, Richmond, Virginia, 1976.
[7] There are numerous sites demonstrating Washington’s occult lay-out.
If you can stand all the capital letters, try or there’s a much deeper analysis at
[8]Patterson, Richard S. & Dougall, Richardson The Eagle & The Shield: a History of The Great Seal of The United States U.S. State Dept. Publications, Washington, 1976.
[9] The 7-branch menorah is described in Exodus 25:31-40. The kohanim lit the menorah in the Sanctuary every evening and cleaned it in the morning, putting fresh olive oil in the cups and replacing the wicks. See also
[10] Benet, William Rose, The Reader’s Encyclopedia A & C Black, London 1972.
[11]Goodman, Frederick Magic Symbols Brian Todd Publishing, London 1989