It was all mocked up in a studio.
They paid the astronauts to stay schtum
And filmed it in an aquarium.
There are aliens in area 51
Where experiments are going on
To create a hybrid human being
The weirdest creature ever seen.
There’s pyramids up there on Mars
Built by Egyptians from the NileWhere a big stone face
looks down from space
with an enigmatic smile.
And 9/11? That grim illusion?
Creation of some dark collusion.
We are ruled by big green lizards,
Revealed by David Icke,
They’re called the Annunaki,
But can they ride a bike?
Cameron and Osborne,
Boris Johnson and the Queen
Amphibian shape-shifters,
As well as Mr. Bean.
Triangles and long cigars
Flying disks from distant stars
There’s UFOs all shapes and sizes
Over Warminster and old Devizes
Where Reg Presley’s ghost still walks the fields
To seek corn circles shaped like wheels
Whilst in tunnels deep below the ground
Zombies stir without a sound.
In Whitehall and in Washington
The Illuminati soldier on
As Freemasons, gloved and aproned keep
The policemen of the world asleep
And beneath the tip of this iceberg
The world is run by Bilderburg.
Should this keep us awake at night?
Imagine - Einstein could be right
Are there more dimensions than we see?
Do we live in a conspiracy?
Are we something else beyond ourselves
Alongside Bigfoot, fairies, elves?
Are there monsters in the Serengeti
Is there really a hairy Yeti?
One thing’s for sure, we need not surmise
We’re governed by greed and spoon-fed lies
Our attention diverted by flickering screens
Watched and controlled by anonymous beings.